Little Paintings

I never thought I'd be happy or feel at home making small art - until this past year. There's a gallery-full of them for you. Why not take a peek, read their stories? Follow the link on each painting page to send me a note if you want to know more.
See the Little Ones»
<b>Painting will change your life</b>

Do you have a burning desire to paint? Have you been telling yourself you are not artistic or talented? I believe the art you are meant to make has always been in you. When you do, nothing is the same. I support you in your process to discover and reveal it.
See about joining a group»
<b>Join me in Conversation</b>

The inspiration to share in a new way has taken me over - I've started a podcast: Watercolor Conversations with Cara Brown. I record and share when I can part the sea of the rest of life. I'm loving doing this!
Come have a listen...»