August 16, 2013 – Friday Group
- At August 22, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Adrienne finished up her piece of her grandson Oliver in his wind-up, adding to her adorable grandkids gallery.
Susie back from her vacation in France. She visited the Sennelier store on the Quai in Paris (amazing place!) and is adding to her color inventory with the new-not-available-yet-in-the-US colors.
Mickey finished her rose! And wasted no time diving into another with a “fuzzy” background!
Sondra putting in the shapes that make the rose in this piece. So lovely. She was plagued at first with the relentless voice editorializing as she started with the first few. It’s amazing how hard that voice is on us – and no one is immune.
Pam put a few touches on her red rose and is now painting an outrageous hibiscus flower. This is just the start of the sky and surroundings.
August 13, 2013 – Tuesday Group
- At August 15, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Marilee finished the sunflower. Love how this came out! And started on on of her granddaughter as a little girl in a bucket!
Libby’s got a wild one here – colored glass balls and cut glass vases, in a collage of three different views.
Already off to a fabulous start.
Paulette finished her waterlily and it’s beautiful. She thinks she tortured it. None of the rest of us see that at all. We are so close to our work sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty of it. I get this ALL the time. I compare it to looking at my face with a magnifying mirror seeing all its flaws. Time and distance helps!
Paulette’s granddaughter Colette from Oregon joined us today. Happy to have you come paint and play with us!
Win darkened the background around these wisteria blossoms – makes them pop. Beautiful. She says it’s done now.
Susie starting in on one of buoys hanging on a fence in Inverness. She was inspired by my friend Kate Peper’s painting of the same subject she saw at the Marin County Fair this year. Cool.
August 9, 2013 – Friday Group
- At August 15, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Pam finished the rose today. Pam, it’s just stunning.
Sondra’s piece – she worked on the flowers in the shadows. So delicate.
August 6, 2013 – Tuesday Group – Back from Tahoe to a large group of 9!
- At August 15, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Robin has finished the blueberries and they are beautiful.
And Susie has finished the bowl full of color – after working on the shadows. Made a huge difference.
Paulette is closing in on the waterlily flower. Someone said this piece is muscular!
Paula’s mama and child giraffes are soft and sweet. She’s back to teaching 2nd grade and will join a Saturday group in the fall. So happy you painted with us this summer!
One of Libby’s abstracted florals – love how you do this!
Libby’s iris. She tied the upper right to the lower right. Looks wonderful. A bit of Libby abstraction in with the representational part.
Win came back after a month away from the group with a lovely piece she did on Maui of protea.
Marilee’s sunflower nearly done. I think this is one of my favorites of yours.
Holly’s Hawaiian fish (the one with the loooonnnnng name!) is coming in. She’s painting it because its markings look like a watercolor. Doing a beautiful job.
July 25, 2013 – Friday Group (meeting on a Thursday)
- At August 15, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Pat joined us today! She finished the crocus piece she started in the fuzzy background class. Love the graphic quality of it. Spent the rest of the class working on a drawing of some biplanes. Fun!
Marilee joined the other group today! Finished the oil-painting inspired piece and starting one of sunflowers in a glass cube-vase.
Sondra’s lovely piece coming along.
Adrienne has started a new piece of another grandson. A giant’s fan in his wind-up. Adorable!
July 23, 2013 – Tuesday Group
- At August 15, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Paulette’s starting on a waterlily piece. Quite large for her and off to a great start. Love the wash in the leaf at the top. So delicate.
Susie is almost done! Spectacular. She’s going to darken some of the shadows.
Paula is setting aside the bouquet to start a mama and child giraffe. Soft washes are lovely.
Libby’s iris painting is alive! That one petal is so full of color and movement!
Shannon’s rose – working on the background.
July 19, 2013 – Friday Group
- At August 15, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Mickey’s rose with petals falling – is taking shape.
Sondra’s cabbages and roses – such beautiful washes around the veins of the cabbage. Lovely touch.
Susie’s wild and graphic painting of canna lilies. Taking off for a sojourn in France for a bit – Bon Voyage!
Adrienne’s adorable painting getting underway of her grandson Memo. Working on a series of all her grandkids. I love the angle of his hat and just one eye visible. Great pose!
Pam’s rose almost there. This is such a striking piece. Hope you are very happy with it and yourself!
Sorry for the blurry photos in this post. Not sure what went wrong…
July 16 – Tuesday Group
- At August 15, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Paula’s bouquet making progress. Getting some dimension and depth. A great first painting!
Susie’s spectacular piece is down to one rose. Such gutsy work!
Marilee’s two pieces. The terrace in France just about done. Another one, taken from someone else’s oil painting. Looking so fresh and light.
Robin’s blueberries almost done. Getting the berries painted brings it to life!
An interesting perspective on Shannon’s rose in progress. I’m in love with the colors she’s using.
July 12, 2013 – Friday Group
- At July 12, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Memo is coming along – like you said, putting the flesh colors on his face brings him alive. Love the sheepskin, looking so wooly.
Look at that, Miss Pamela! It’s becoming a rose. She asked “who did that?!” You did!
Wow, Susie, your perseverance is paying off! The foreground and the background are separating and there is wonderful rhythm on this piece. Love it!
Mickey – your background is wonderful and look at the wonderful contrast between it and the rose petals. Can’t wait to see where you’ll take this!
July 9, 2013 – Tuesday Group
- At July 12, 2013
- By Cara
- In Weekly Watercolor Groups
Libby is creating a new iris piece. I love the combination of purples, rusts, rose colors.
Shannon’s rose – getting more definition and depth. I’m so drawn to the freshness of the background. Those gorgeous transparent colors!
Paulette has just finished a wildly colored garden jumble around some red poppies. Amazing detail.
Marilee’s French terrace has chairs. We were sorting out creating the shadow on the close edge of the tablecloth and not losing the highlight on the wicker chairs. A place to use masking fluid.
Susie’s roses are coming along – the red rose is called “Hot Cocoa.” More of a red-brown rose. This is going to be a stunning painting!