July 2, 2013 Tuesday Group

Shannon started a new painting of one of my rose pictures – the New Dawn climber on the side of the house, taken one rainy June a while ago. She took a Jeanne Vodden workshop last week. Beautiful start. Makes me want to paint it too!

And she is just about finished with this one of her son, Brendan.

Paula’s beautiful rose bouquet is coming along!

Libby getting started on a big gorgeous wine-y purple-y iris.

And just finishing this absolutely stunning iris triptych. It was so fun to watch this piece evolve.

Susie is back from a big family trip to Kauai and is picking up again on her beautiful bowl-full of roses.

Marilee painting some lovely little scene from France somewhere. I want to go there! Nice work in sending the background back today.

Holly is giving her fish a place to swim before painting it.

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