July 19, 2013 – Starting to paint the leaves and flowers…

Spent a couple of days out in Bolinas with my dear Sister Mary and worked on this painting in the peace of the foggy mornings.

  • Hello Cara! This will be an amazing masterpiece (as all of your artworks). This leaf on the left side looks so real! It’s absolutely stunning. I love your watercolors.
    May I ask you what is the paper that you use in this painting?
    Greetings from Poland! (I’m sorry for mistakes in my english).

    August 15, 2013
    • Cara

      Thanks so much! You can check this piece out in the Roses gallery – it’s done. (I’m just getting caught up on my posts!)
      I love your work – the step-by-step of the clematis on your FB page is amazing. There is great rhythm in that piece. I resonate also with your sense of color. Quite like mine!
      I use Arches 300 lb cold press.
      And your English is great – FAR better than my Polish!
      My mom is Croatian – so I know a few words of Serbo-Croation – no idea if at all similar to Polish.
      Hvala is thank you!

      August 15, 2013

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