September 17, 2013 – Tuesday Group

Sue started last Friday and now wants to come to BOTH groups for a while! Now, look at this painting, she’s spent two 4-hour sessions on it and she’s just started to paint – remarkable, huh?

Marilee’s aquarium – coming together – the color is fantastic, working on blending and layering.

Win started a new one today. Said she wanted to do something simple and focus on the background. I love how we all do things our way, even when we think we want to do them someone else’s way. This is Win’s palette, Win’s brush work, it’s inescapable – we are who we are, we do what we do!

Susie’s fabulous buoy painting – what a great piece this is. We talked about shadows and how instead of the being a slave to the photo, to have it be OUR servant.

Robin is back from Mexico and back to the group after a couple months away. We’ve missed you. This is Booker, her son’s dog. Going to be great to see it come along.

Paulette’s new piece – drew and started today – no moss growing in this chair! Sunflowers – from the back. Great background work.

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