Blue Door


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I was on vacation with my parents just before my divorce in 1995 when I took this photo in Quarante, a small village in Languedoc where we spent a week. Those 12 days in France continue to be some of the best days I’ve ever spent on vacation, and I love being reminded of it by this painting.

This was an attempt to paint in a looser, more impressionistic style. It was an interesting experience, and I wasn’t sure I was happy with the resulting painting. A dear family member, Illa Newman saw this little photo in my journal at Marin Open Studios in May 2007. She asked about it. I was unsure about its appeal, so I had not included it in the show. I later took it to her and now, not only is it hers, but she has painted her front door blue! This painting evokes for her, her many visits to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. I love how my work brings people to places that I’d never anticipated.

April 2005

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7"x5", 22"x15"

© Copyright Life in Full Color - Website by Yingying Zhang