Pomegranates, Jacinta’s Garden


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At the end of my stay in France, October 1996, I traveled throughout Europe for two weeks with two of my brothers, Matt and Mike. We met my parents on the Croatian Island, Brac, where my grandparents were born. Brac is a rocky, arid island; the water is crystal clear and life is much less complicated than ours. One perfect afternoon we had lunch at my mother’s cousin Jacinta’s. She cooked us a special meal of potato gnocci with a rich meat sauce. These pomegranates were growing from a tree in her garden – with a gorgeous view of the sea and the mainland. Like the island, painting this one was rocky for me. Most of the time I was working on it, I really hated it. I experienced first hand about how the life of an artist takes discipline. Somehow I knew needed to stick with it and finally finished it on the first two days of a solo painting retreat in August. I kept saying to myself “this is like being in a difficult labor, this painting just does not want to be done.” Whew! It’s DONE!

August 2007

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7.5"x7.5", 15"x15", 22"x22"

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