April 2013 – Paris map getting it’s first bit of paint

April 2013 – Spent March finishing the peonies in the vase, on to something really new

And it starts with the map of Paris!

February 2013 – Fruit tart is done!

February 2013 – Fruit tart – all the fruit pretty much done

Just need to paint the pastry shell – what a trip, painting pastry!

February 2013 – Fruit tart – two more rows done

February 2013 – Fruit tart – from kiwi to red raspberries

February 2013 – Starting a fruit tart painting

I made this tart a while ago – to take pictures to paint from – but it was tasty too!
I’ve decided to paint it row by row. Fruit by fruit.

December 2012 – Peonies in Vase – the vase is done

A week before Christmas, probably won’t paint much until afterwards. I’m so happy with how the vase looks. And a lot easier than I’d expected. Just paint what I see…

December 2012 – Peonies in Vase – starting on the vase

Spent an evening listening to 5 episodes of Downton Abbey and working on the vase. Nice to be back to this one.

November 2012 – Cindy’s Garden – Finished!

Two days before deadline! Whew!

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