Painted the last leaf tonight

Now I’m going to mop on some yellow paint!

Lemons – one leaf to go – headed back to the Tiburon Festival

Started a new one today – lemons from our meyer tree

Persimmon Sun II – finished yesterday

I love how you can sense the space that this piece of fruit existed in when I took its photo.

Persimmon Sun II – now there are leaves

An afternoon re-living making all this art

I spent the afternoon today posting and writing about all the photos I’ve taken over mostly the past 5 1/2 years (a few older). These are work-in-progress and some just-finished photos of my work. It was wonderful to re-live it all. It’s remarkable how I do remember where I was in the world and what my challenges and joys were for each one. Many of my paintings I never recorded this way This review makes me really wish I had. Now that I have a real blog (at last!), it will give me the impetus to do a better job of recording my process so I can share it here. I entered them in chronological order, as if I’d posted them all along. I hope some of you head all the way back through and enjoy them as much as I have posting them here for you.

2012 – Persimmon – now there’s a branch

2012 – Persimmon Sun II ?

Not sure of the name yet. Just the background in here. I loved the light bubbles and playing with colors and circles.

2012 – Dazzling done

Another Tahoe vacation painting. Time for a plunge with Joe and Bo.

2012 – Dazzling – just the centers to finish

Ok, so I’m turning a corner with this painting. I’m not laboring over it like I have others. Very cool.

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