2012 – Dazzling – Hibiscus

It’s quite remarkable how that logical, symbol-oriented left brain freaks out about a lot of detail. I’m learning that the right brain has no problem with it. And even approximating it. Painting this is way easier than my left brain thought it was going to be.

2012 – Dazzling – starting out

2012 – Baby Bojangles

Hard to tell from this photo, the color is so off. But finishing this one was about the tone. It was too reddish. And, I didn’t want to make it too blue. A thin wash of thalo green did the trick.

2012 – Blossoms Squared – almost there

By the time I got to here, I was pretty done with the square thing. Great exploration. Will do it again.

2012 – Painting Squares

Worked on Blossoms Squared on Kauai. Painting square by square completely abstracts the image. And painting mostly wet in wet was a challenge and a great experience. Nearly all the ladies in my painting group jumped in and painted them too.

2012 – Squash Blossom AND Bee

2012 – Squash Blossom in progress – detail

Starting in on the bee.

2012 – Squash Blossom – no bee yet

At the place we rent in Koloa, painted on the covered front porch. Final touches on the hairs of the flower – then the BEE!

2012 – Radiance – detail

Using a new Daniel Smith color: cobalt blue-violet. Totally replaced Ultramarine Violet in my palette. I’m in love.

2012 – Radiance in progress

Awakening’s “sister.” God I love these colors.

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