July 20, 2013 – Color Class

Sweet little color class of three painters. It was fun for me to dive back into this class in the middle of summer. Looking forward to teaching it again in the fall.

A Confession

I fell into the pit of getting waaaaayyyy behind in updating this online art journal. Once the second weekly group started, I didn’t keep it in my routine and it got harder and harder to get back on track. I swore that I wouldn’t do that – I’d keep it up. And I didn’t. My niece Amanda and I spent all day yesterday getting the images sized and uploaded and posting them.

As of right now I’m completely current – up to the class we had today. To all of you subscribers to the blog updates, I’m SO sorry for the inundation of emails. I didn’t realize you got one for EACH post! Holy Cow! I will endeavor to make sure the updates are kept up so that you can follow along on the progress.

June 27 – Fuzzy Backgrounds Today

Sondra’s nice work – she had fun.

Joanne really let herself play with the paint and the water. I loved the shapes she found.
A happy Pat with her fuzzy background. Nice job!

Christina has no problem just playing. Here’s her vivid result.

Mickey says she’s not painting as she wants to be and the result says something else.

Susie worked hard – she paints with plenty of water, which is why her work is so fresh. This also makes it hard to control within the wet. I love what she did today.

April 2013 – Color day II

March 2013 – From the second color class…

Love how we all make our own mark – no squares for this painter – balloons and drops!

January 2013 – A sampling of color wheels from the first class

January 2013 – preparing to teach color to watercolorists

I got an email from Jan Shively, a lovely woman in Montana who had seen my work in a Sacramento newspaper telling me if I ever taught weekend workshops, to let her know. She wanted to learn from me. Weekend workshops? Never done that before. So I asked the painters in my groups what they’d like to know, in the way of a special topic. “Color!” was the overwhelming response. Ok, so now I have to figure out what I know about color (hard to separate from my own knowledge and experience) and how to teach it in a way that is super practical, relatively easy and fun. This is the result of many evenings of play in this direction.

I really wanted to keep it out of the technical terminology and theory rhelm – hues, tints, shades, and what means what isn’t all that useful in day-to-day painting. But stuff like whether a pigment is lightfast and how it mixes with other colors is.
Here’s what my palette looked like after making a color mixing panel – Gosh, I love color!

December 29, 2012 – Nancy came to paint with me…

on a Saturday to finish out the year. Lovely start to a backlit rose. Welcome 2013!

November 10, 2012 – Kelli and Karen on a Saturday

Kelly painted Mt. Tam for her boss (one of my brothers), Karen a camelia – a day to themselves, kids are with the dads. Thanks dads!

October 6, 2012 – Kelli whipped out a painting of her son in a day!

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