Get Intimate with Color


Regardless of your level of experience, this is YOUR class!


If you’ve never painted – this class is for you.  You learn the about the foundation of painting – paint! And it’s a great way to practice laying down color into water – the essence of watercolor – without having to make what your doing look like something!


If you’ve been painting for just a short time – this class is for you.  You may have found yourself looking for the “right” color within your tubes of paint, or attempting to mix colors and had “unexpected” results – I’ll help you sort out how to understand how color works and a way to test color mixing that you’ll use forever.


If you’ve been painting for decades – this class is for you.  You may have a whole collection of paints, many you may never use, many you’ve forgotten about. This is a chance to take a break from your “regular” painting to really understand what you’ve got and how to use and mix your paints.


AND If you’ve already taken this class – this is the class for you, TOO!  I learn something new about color every time I teach it. It’s endless. Come reinforce what you’ve already learned and keep your color exploration going.


As artists, understanding color is fundamental to what we do. I have a particular obsession with it, as such I have learned a ton about color, paints and pigments and love to share it.  This is a fun, easy and practical class that gives you confidence in mixing colors and invites your freedom when you sit to paint. I offer you a special price to repeat it too.


This class is fun! – if you are a color addict like me, it’s just pure joy!


This class is very practical – you will leave with tools and methods to use in your paintings


The environment is very safe – there’s no wrong answer, it’s all an exploration


I’m asked all the time “how do I make a good rich, dark green” or “this painting needs something, how can I give it more life?”

Seems that between what I’ve had from the get-go and what I’ve learned over the years of painting with watercolor pigments, I have so much to share about color.

I’m in love with color (in case that’s not plainly obvious!) and am so happy and eager to share that love – and knowledge!

Here’s what you will gain:
• You will discover the treasure contained in all those tubes of paint you have – it’s so much more than the color on the tube!
• You will understand how to interpret information printed on tubes, to really know what is inside, potentially saving you money avoiding buying redundant colors.
• You will know what colors may fade over time, changing your paintings forever.
• You will make your own color wheel, based on a special design I’ve created.
(I provide watercolor paper with the outline of the wheel for you)
• You will know how to reliably mix clear, vibrant colors, and how to mix the more muted ones too.

Color Day 1
• You will practice mixing colors – including learning the tinting strength of pigments.
• You will see the whole range of colors that can come from just two pigments.
• You will learn about color harmony and color compositions.
• You will begin practicing making the colors for your paintings, based on your own reference materials.
• I will share with you some of my favorite “recipes” to get you started.
• You gain confidence to experiment and play with color on your own.
• You’ll spend hours being fed through your eyes!

my palette smaller


Here’s what other color-journeyers have said:
“I am so excited now about my painting and feel more confident about branching out and playing with color. I recommend this class to anyone interested in watercolor! It was a blast!” – Sue R.
“I have never studied color as I did in your class and I am excited by what I have learned and will continue to learn about the infinite possibilities of color. I also really enjoyed mixing and understanding just how many colors can be made with the primary colors. I feel the information you shared with us was valuable and I will continue to explore, learn and play with Color!”  – Laurie S

Held in a lovely space surrounded by my art in downtown Larkspur, CA.

Limited to 12 students.


Saturday-Sunday: January 6-7, 2018 – 9:45-4:00

Saturday-Sunday: June 16-17, 2018 – 9:45-4:00

Cost: $195

Sign up! Online

To reserve yor spot, please PAY ONLINE

or mail a check to:  

Cara Brown, 537 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, CA  94939.

This class was originally designed for painters who have a collection of watercolor paints. If you don’t already have paints it’s fine. When signing up, let me know and I’ll provide a basic list. You can add to your paint collection as you are inspired to after the workshop!

This workshop is most successful if you’ve had a bit of experience handling watercolor paints. If you’ve never painted with watercolor before, contact me and we’ll set aside a time for a quick lesson.

Cancellation policy:

If you are unable to come to the class and let me know within two weeks, you can apply the fee to a future class or I can refund you $90.  If you cancel within 2 weeks and I have someone who can take your place, you can apply your fee to a future class.  If I cannot fill your spot, the fee is not refunded.  Thank you so much.


© Copyright Life in Full Color - Website by Yingying Zhang