Weekly Groups

You are born with your artwork within you!

“Natural talent” is largely a myth. I believe that what’s most needed to make art that delights you is the intense desire to do so. Working with paint is a skill that can be gained; seeing, really seeing can be learned. It takes time and practice. Your fierce desire keeps you in the process – keeps you going in the face of your voices that may pick your first efforts apart. Here’s the truth: those voices never go away! If we heeded them, no authentic expression would ever happen!

come paint with me!

I lead weekly watercolor groups for people who have this desire. There are no assignments, no set way to paint – no one can make my art – each of us has our own way! I don’t teach tricks, really. I can offer strategies for how to paint something, but really, painting a child’s cheek is just like painting a peach, or a rose petal, or a fender on a car. It’s all shape and shade and color.

Besides, it’s incredibly fun and exciting to actually put color to paper. The thrill never gets old.

This is how I see the creative process as it is expressed in each of us. If this calls to you and you would like the support of a group and the guidance and tireless encouragement from me, come join us!

You will be given the opportunity to gain:

A way around not knowing how to draw, if that’s stopping you.
Permission to be bold with color.
The ability to see better.
The inspiration from what others are painting.
Confidence to paint new subject matter and take risks in your paintings.
The structure of a regular commitment to actually sit down to paint.
Opening of the door to the art that is in you.

You bring your watercolor supplies, ideas and energy. There are no assignments – you paint what you are inspired to paint.

I supply the space, use of a digital projector, blobs of paint on your palette when you don’t have the right color and personalized feedback and instruction. I’m there with suggestions and inspiration when you are stuck, frustrated, adrift and just having a hard time liking your painting. I work on my own paintings and share my process, experience and color expertise with you. And I love to help you stretch yourself as a painter!

We’re in a comfortable office in downtown Larkspur. You can either bring your lunch or dinner – or treat yourself to a bite out in Larkspur, there are several options. You have use of the fridge, microwave and teapot. A real bond has formed in the groups – each has become its own community. We all support and cheer each other on. More than one person has told me that it’s better than therapy!

Thursdays – 10:00am – 2:00pm  – open  to one or two new regular artists

Thursdays – 5:00pm – 9:00pm – open to new regular artists, now, including over the internet!

Fridays – 10:00am – 2:00pm – open to new regular artists
Limited to 10 artists.

in Downtown Larkspur:
$160 for 4 weeks Pay online
$50 single session, drop-in Pay online

Over the Internet, via live videoconference:
$80 for 4 weeks Pay online
$30 single session, drop-in Pay online

Send me an email or call if you are interested or have more questions. It’s best that we talk about the supplies you have or need to buy ahead of time.

Weekly Groups Sign-up

If you live too far to come to the groups here,  contact me to see what we can arrange.  I’d love to come paint with you too!

Cancellation Policy:

When you pay for 4 weeks, you choose the dates that work for you – your own “personal month.”  Once you’ve signed up and paid there are no refunds or credits for cancellations.   You can change to another day or time in the same week, as space allows.  And I really appreciate your making the changes accordingly to the signup system.  Thank you.

© Copyright Life in Full Color - Website by Yingying Zhang