January 2013 – A sampling of color wheels from the first class

Three pieces drawn and ready to paint – which to focus on?

Roses in a green glass cup – sparkling in the sun outside, or:

A big square piece of Mike’s grapes, or:
Chocolates that I started in late March…?

May 2013 – Paris map painting coming along…

April 2013 – just not feelin’ it with the roses, I’m in the tropics…

I started this one a couple of years ago. I’m glad I brought it along. I’m so in the mood to paint this here – it’s fresher and cooler.

A day later – almost all the background is in.

Here it is done. I changed the color of the flowers from pink to white with a pink blush. That was fun!

April 2013 – starting in on the roses

April 2013 – off to Kauai – Paris map stays home

The Paris map is too large to travel easily with, so I’ve got a couple other pieces drawn to paint. One is this one of hot red-orange-pink roses. Here’s the background done – love those negative spaces outlining the subject.

April 2013 – Paris map getting it’s first bit of paint

April 2013 – Spent March finishing the peonies in the vase, on to something really new

And it starts with the map of Paris!

February 2013 – Fruit tart is done!

February 2013 – Fruit tart – all the fruit pretty much done

Just need to paint the pastry shell – what a trip, painting pastry!

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