A new *big* painting for the spring – cherry blossoms!

It may be hard to see what’s going on here, but it’s the faint light of the projector on the watercolor paper after I finished drawing. It’s only a small piece of the painting.

2-27-14 spring blossoms
Just one layer of the blue sky background in. I think it’s too blue! I used three pigments to make the color more rich: cobalt blue, manganese blue hue and ultramarine violet.

3-16-14 cherry blossoms

Here’s a corner of the blurry, out of focus parts of the paiting just starting in:

3-19-14 cherry blossoms

  • Karen J

    OOOoooohh! VeryBerryPink cherry blossoms!
    This will be great fun to follow, Cara!

    Happy Spring, at last ~

    March 31, 2014

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