Family of Lemons


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Out in our narrow side yard is a Meyer lemon tree. Planted by Paula Spencer, the previous resident of our house, this tree is indefatigable. There is hardly a time in the 11 years we’ve been here that I’ve gone out there and not found a yellow lemon for whatever I’m cooking or eating. Times when either Joe has pruned it severely or hard frosts have burned its upper branches, I’ve really worried about it, only to have it come back and be more prolific than ever. Several of our close neighbors know they can come in and get one or a few anytime they need to (don’t tell anyone!). This is the side of the house where we keep the trash cans and recycle bins and it’s also where we come and go when we are leaving on foot. I take our dog Bo on a hike nearly every morning and go by this tree. I love that the tree is where it is when the blossoms are blooming when I walk by – the scent is so lovely. I took the photo that became this painting because I was struck by how unusual it is to find blossoms and ripe yellow lemons right in the same branch. Add in beautiful light and interesting leaf shapes and this had to become a painting. Then when I started to draw it, I noticed there are also tiny baby lemons. The name came to me thinking about the last line in “Wild Geese” (the same poem I quote from on the home page of this site): “…announcing your place in the family of things.”

August 2012

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7.5"x7.5", 15"x15", 22"x22"

© Copyright Life in Full Color - Website by Yingying Zhang