Squash Blossom and Bee


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This painting came from an image I’ve been living with for a while. This is a squash blossom (maybe zucchini) from the vegetable garden growing in the front (!) yard next door to my friend Karen’s vacation place in Nevada City. It’s such a sweet town that time seems to have left largely alone.

This is the second painting that has come of a summer weekend that Vicki and I stayed with Karen – the first is “Blueberry Symphony.” I loved painting the bee in “Honey Bee and Rugosa Roses” and have been longing for another image that would be worth making into a painting. This one is that. The bee is headed into the center of the blossom – all those sunlit specks of pollen!

I grew up eating squash blossoms. Mrs. Bianchi, who lived across the street from us on Pine Avenue in Woodacre made them for us. She simply dipped them in beaten egg, fried them in olive oil until they were golden brown and seasoned them with salt. They are so pure eaten this way. The have the taste of the zucchini they share the plant with, but are just so delicate. This painting fully qualifies to be in the vegetable gallery here!

April 2012

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7.5"x7.5", 15"x15", 22"x22"

© Copyright Life in Full Color - Website by Yingying Zhang