Tropical Peaches


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I’ve been really wanting to paint some stone fruit and couldn’t wait to get out with my camera this summer as fruit started ripening. One Saturday, I got a call from Annie, Joe’s sister telling me their peaches were really ripening and I’d better get over before they all got picked! It was mid-morning, tons of sun and I climbed up on Gary’s ladder so that I was completely in the world of the peaches and their leaves. When I saw the streaks of light on this one photo, it was clear this was the one to be painted. It was a challenge to represent the light and still capture the shapes and shadings. Most of this painting was done while we were on Kauai this fall and it seems that Kauai worked her magic through me with the colors and light. They ended up looking so tropical! I love the colors and the intricate design that the tree and the light provided. This was a fun one. And isn’t that just a perfect pruning cut in the lower left-center? Thanks, Gary for growing and tending such an amazing garden.

November 2007

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7.5"x10", 15"x20", 22"x30"

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