2018 Sundays – We must paint ON!

In the wee hours of November 9, 2016 I wrote this as part of an email to the 527 Magnolia Artists who paint regularly with me:

We must not waver, we must redouble our efforts to paint our love, paint our reverence, paint our souls and share it wherever we can.  When you turn on the light in a dark room, the light does not discriminate, it goes to every corner, every nook and cranny. 

Every single dark time in my life has eventually revealed itself as necessary and purposeful.  Let us have our feelings… and then please, let us get back to our brushes and palettes and beautiful subjects and PAINT ON! Even if there is a voice in you that says painting is silly, trivial in the face of this, it is not – not unless we make it so.

More than a year has passed and we have – life has – gone on. And this fierceness is still here in me… I’m here to support you in getting to the paintings that reside within you.

In 2018, I’m offering time to gather and do just this.

Five Sundays in the spring and five in the fall – each following one of my Saturday workshops – will be a Sunday to Paint ON!

Come to our painting space in Larkspur.  Bring your ideas, your inspirations, your paper, brushes and paints and move your work forward – or practice what you’ve just learned.

Enrich yourself and your life by spending time being creative and enjoying the cameraderie of fellow art-makers (fellow artists, if you are ready to call yourself one).

I’m there to provide whatever you need from me:

  • Demonstration:  I can show you how I’d do what you are working on and I’ll be working on my own paintings too
  • Instruction: color, paint handling, how to see, how to fix your problem
  • Technical assistance: Photoshop magic, digital projection
  • Inspiration, encouragment and support of your creative self


Spring Dates:  February 18, March 4, March 18, April 8, April 22   and:

Fall Dates:  September 16, September 30, October 14, October 28, November 11

All days start at 10:00am and go no later than 4:00pm

I’m offering this in the spirit of reciprocal generosity.  There are no set fees.  You choose to pay according to the value you receive from me and the time painting together, according to your financial situation and by listening to what your heart says.

I trust that those who come will find value and will support me so I can provide the energy these Sundays will require of me.

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Please do not sign up unless you are certain you will come.  If life changes and you can’t come, please remove yourself from the signup.  Your consideration of me and your fellow artists is very much appreciated.  Thank you. 🙂

© Copyright Life in Full Color - Website by Yingying Zhang