August 20, 2013 – Tuesday Group

Holly’s Hawaiian fish is really coming along. Just beautiful!

Marilee is painting her granddaughter in a bucket – I’m so amazed by how much Marilee can paint in one 4-hour session!

Funny, upside down perspective on Shannon’s rose and raindrop piece. I’m so in love with this painting!

Win is doing another piece based on color-mixing squares – this time with intention that a shape emerge. Will be fun to watch that happen!

Susie is having fun painting rope – some of it unwound. And her painting is showing how much she’s enjoying it too!

Paulette started a new rose piece today. Such a touch to the first washes.

I loved today! We had a Shannon’s daughter Genevieve and Paulette’s granddaughter Colette, both 10 and both attend French-speaking schools. We had sweet voices speaking French to each other, with a few of us chiming in. I had to pinch myself that this was really happening. Made me so happy!

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