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Oh, the story of this painting – nothing close to a straight line from start to finish.

I first drew it out in September 2021 and started it the next month. The final touches went down in late October 2023 – and then, only after a decision to buckle down and bring it all the way through, already!

The spirit of this painting has been patient and faithful.

The grapes are Zinfandel, from my friend Sue’s ranch in Cloverdale. After Zintopia, it’s my second painting from this vineyard. The way this patch of grapes is postioned on the hill, the sunlight shows off their late-summer colors spectacularly. A few more fabulous images from this vineyard wait for me in my “candidates” folder. Maybe some day…

The background is one of the more elaborate I’ve ever done, which took it’s sweet time to come together. Somewhere in that phase I decided the way I had it composed had to change. I needed to prune some of the grapes at the bottom and replace them with leaves, covering my tracks along the way – tricky!

The photo included “markings” on the grapes – watermarks? Curiously, they were in the bright sunlit part as well as in the shadows. I painted these variations for the first time in a vineyard painting. Something new!

The name is simply me being playful. The jury is still out about whether the “Z” should be capitalized or not.

For now, we’ll go with AmaZin

Completed October 2023 – 30″x22″ – Watercolor on paper

Copyright © Dandelion by Pexeto