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Ok, confession: there was no big idea here, no amazing inspiration, no place and time that was special. I went to Rite Aid, bought the ubiquitous candy hearts dumped them in a bowl, took a bunch of pictures and painted them. It was just for fun – and in case I ever do a calendar based on my sweets paintings, I have a ready-to-go February. I’m posting it here on my website almost a year after painting it! I just missed last February 14th so I waited until it came around again.

But then, lo and behold, someone, a very special and sweet someone, who has become a Thursday group regular, has claimed it. She told me it’s going in a bedroom and likes the title I’ve given it. Good thing I moved the heart that said “Dream” into the prominent spot so I could give that name to the painting. It just goes to show that we artists just need to follow instructions from our inklings, from our muses, because we do not always know!

February 2016 – 22″x22″ – Watercolor on paper

Copyright © Dandelion by Pexeto