Persimmon Sun

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A visit back to my neighbor Jen’s persimmon tree the fall of 2008 was a bright sunny day. I arrived none to soon. The birds had started to help themselves to the ripe persimmons – many of them were half-eaten.

Persimmon Rain had been such a special piece, a favorite of many people. Could I paint another to follow it? But this was a whole new story to tell. The colors in the sunlight – especially of the leaves – were brighter, more yellow. And I loved the composition of this image. So, why not?

I struggled finding my way through, painting that first persimmon painting. I learned so much about painting in watercolor in the three years between them. Painting this was like traveling over somewhat familiar terrain with a clearer view of what was to come.

I love painting branches. It is fun watching them become three-dimensional. I painted the persimmon last and grappled with the light and shadow – I wanted the light to glow on the left edge, while also be in shadow.

It is quite amazing to me, magical even, how these paintings end up taking shape, and become real things.

June 2009 – 22″x22″ – Watercolor on paper

Copyright © Dandelion by Pexeto