Southside Lily Pond

Original Sold

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Archival Print Sizes/Prices:

30″x22″ – $495

20″x15″ – $250

10″x7.5″ – $75

When Joe and I go to Kauai, I take walking trips around Poipu with my camera, hunting for painting subjects. These waterlilies are in a resort garden. This image intrigues me because of the various elements it represents — below the water, above the water and reflections on the surface. The nature of this subject required me to be less literal, more interpretive. It was both fun and difficult. The fun part is watching it emerge. I had started this painting sometime last spring on a piece of paper half this size. I abandoned it about a third of the way through, knowing that it needed to be bigger. Now that it’s done, I see that it would have been great on even larger paper. That’ll be the next waterlilies.

June 2008 – 30″x22″ – Watercolor on paper

Copyright © Dandelion by Pexeto