Southside Lily Pond II

Original sold

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Archival Print Sizes/Prices:

30″x22″ – $495

20″x15″ – $250

10″x7.5″ – $75

In October 2010 I did a new festival – the second one in La Jolla – where I met some wonderful people, Joan and Scott Brown. They really loved Southside Lily Pond, but the space in their home needed two pieces of art side by side. They asked me if I could paint a companion piece for it. I took on the challenge, not realizing that I was headed for a fall. I came home and searched through the images from the same day – these images were pre-digital, so I had to find the actual photos. I found this one and liked the idea of painting the same theme in a different scale. Same day, same pond, slightly different angle – the light is coming from another direction. It had a big ugly rock along one side which I replaced with more lily pads. When the Brown’s said they liked the image, I started to paint – but not for long. By November I was dead in the water (so to speak!). It was scary but I was just burned out and there was nothing there when I sat to paint. It felt like the ability and inclination to paint had just vanished. No matter how much I tried to force myself, it just wasn’t there. These first four years of making, showing and selling art have been at a fairly breakneck pace. It seems that the part of me that sources the creator needed a break. I’m incredibly grateful that it’s back and for the moments of joy at putting color on paper again. And I’m also very grateful for the Brown’s who were there in my heart and mind making sure I didn’t stay away too long!

February – March 2011 – 30″x22″ – Watercolor on paper

Copyright © Dandelion by Pexeto