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A quiet little painting – another from a morning walk in our neighborhood.

This composition of a pair of camelias rose to the top of the list of things to paint so I’d have something for February in the 2021 In Beauty…at Home calendar. The winter months aren’t as easy associate with my paintings as all the other months are.

This one joins a few others I’ve painted where the leaves end up providing just as much interest as the flowers – maybe even more. And I’m not sure what this thing is with my seeing blue in leaves and exaggerating it like this, but it does make the finished work more exciting to me.

Layering the petals such that the light was as subtle and lovely as I saw in the image was elusive. Painting – especially in watercolor – is a considerable challenge, one that I don’t think I will ever outgrow. I hope to be a model for those who have less experience than I, in acknowledging this. I’m sorry to report that it’s still not consistently easy-breezy for me. But I find something about the artist’s sincere struggle that comes through their artwork, giving it more soul. At least I hope so.

The state of our country and world at this moments is troubling – to so many. This painting’s name comes from my desire, in even a miniscule way, of reminding us that we are an “us.” It’s interesting to me how “us” is also “US” as in the United States. This isn’t real for millions of us for whom there is also a “them.”

I’m never going to give up on the cause, regardless.

15”x15” – Summer 2020 – Watercolor on paper.

Copyright © Dandelion by Pexeto